Mario Gonzales Espinosa


Mario González-Espinosa is Senior Researcher at El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), a Mexican Government institute devoted to biological, agricultural, medical and social research for 45 years in the Mexican southern border region.

He has a Diploma from the National School of Agriculture (Chapingo, Mexico) on Agronomical Engineering (Animal Science) and a PhD in Biology from the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, USA).

His expertise is on ecology, conservation biology and restoration of tropical forests. His major interest is in understanding the interactions of traditional land-use by Maya peasants with biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in mountain areas.

He has been involved in >120 scientific papers and five books, has offered >50 graduate courses, and has advised dozens of doctoral and masters colleagues.

He has received academic distinctions from The Volkswagen Foundation Mexico (2011) and the Botanical Society of Mexico (2013). He was Director General of ECOSUR in 2013-2019.