The Founders
The Board of Directors, on the proposal of the Founder or Founders, within three years of the foundation’s establishment, it may grant the prerogatives of the Founders to natural and legal persons who have contributed or contribute significantly with the contribution of, money or work to the foundation’s activities.
The Founders of natural persons maintain this qualification for life, while the Founders legal entities until the moment of a lawsuit of dissolution provided for by law or are subject to insolvency proceedings.
The Founder or founders have the prerogative to guard, preserve and direct the aims of the Foundation referred to in Art. 4 statutes and may, in this regard, veto resolutions contrary to that purpose.
The Board of Directors may recognize the status of Founder according to the following parameters:
• Natural persons
The acquisition of the status of Founding Member can be achieved with a payment of the fee set at a minimum of € 5.000,00 cash or equivalent assets and the free performance of your work for 3 years.
• Legal persons
The acquisition of the status of Founding Member can be achieved with a payment of a contribution established in a minimum of € 20.000,00 in cash or equivalent assets.
Legal Entities
World Association of Agronomists (founder)
Supporters Participants
The qualification of Supporters Participants, in accordance with art.. 9 Statute, are natural and legal persons, public and private, bodies or associations, even uncognized, or other institutions, national and international, who, sharing the aims of the Foundation, contribute to its life and to the realization of its purposes through annual or multiannual cash contributions, assets or with a particularly important professional activity or with the attribution of tangible or intangible assets, in accordance with the procedures laid down in this Regulation.
Supporters participants, according to the following categories, are admitted by an unappealable resolution of the Board of Directors.
The different qualifications of the Supporters Participants last for the entire period for which their contribution has been regularly paid, that is, the performance regularly performed.
The modalities and minimum measure of the Contribution of the Supporters is defined by the Board of Directors at the approval of the financial statements.
The Board of Directors decides on the exclusions and withdrawal of participating supporters pursuant to art. 11 Statute. The President, if it sees behaviour that does not conform to the Foundation’s code of conduct, proposes to the Board of Directors the exclusion of the Participating Member.
The Foundation recognizes the categories of Supporters, based on the general and specific contribution for each activity and project, the visibility and prestige that adherence to activities and projects through the exhibition of its brands, Logos, communications and information actions in the Foundation’s portal, of the individual projects, in particular the project, of the ACADEMY academy portal. Foundation, of the Triennale portal for sustainable agronomy and in the magazine WAAmagazineonline, in addition to specific promotional activities of the activities and projects defined in the multiannual and annual management plan.
Supporters may have at their disposal the results of the projects and activities as well as report and propose project ideas for the definition of the multiannual plan or in projects in progress. They may attend the Foundation’s premises at times when they are accessible, participate in all initiatives and events and participate in the meetings of the advisory committees.
The Supporters Participants make up the College of Supporters according to art. 23 Statute.
Participant Supporter “Institutional”
The “Institutional” Supporting Participant is an institutional entity that shares the aims of the Foundation and intends to support it by conferring tangible or intangible assets or through cash contributions.
Participant Supporter “Benemerito”
Participant Supporter “Benemerito”, is a natural or legal person, body or association that shares the aims of the Foundation and intends to support it through the financing of projects and activities defined in the Foundation’s multiannual and annual plan through cash contributions.
Participant Supporter “Volunteer”
Participant Supporter “Volunteer”, is a person who provides his professional work for the realization of the aims and functioning of the Foundation as well as the related projects and initiatives promoted by the Foundation itself.